Category: Uncategorized

Deliberate Intent Accident

Case Description/Summary:   A subcontractor’s employee was assigned by the exposing employer to assist with the offloading of coal car wheel sets.  A forklift was used to discharge and move a set of wheel sets approximately 40 feet from a flatbed trailer. The injured employee was instructed by his supervisor and rough terrain forklift operator… Read more »


Case Description/Summary:   A journeyman electrician was fatally injured when he contacted a buss bar.  The electrical system was a 120/240 3 phase delta with a 240-volt high leg on the C phase. The main panel had three sub breakers for the three subpanels; A, B, and C, located in the same room. The injured… Read more »

Temporary Workers – Host Employers

Case Description/Summary:   A temporary worker employed by a staffing agency but under the supervision of a host employer was assigned to spot trash trucks dumping their trash at a landfill.  While performing the assigned task as a spotter, the temporary employee was struck and run over by a track loader that was backing up…. Read more »