Case Description/Summary:
A construction worker was injured when he was struck by a piece of cinder block from above. Workers from a second company were removing cinder blocks from a pallet that was lying on the floor of the work area above but still attached to a forklift when the piece of cinder block fell.
Expert Analysis/Summary:
A safety analysis included a review of all relevant depositions and other discovery documents, reports, photographs, etc. SPA, inc. reviewed the discovery documents and relevant research materials, codes, and standards related to safety responsibilities of a forklift operator under these condition.
It was determined through the review of the discovery documents and research that there was caution tape placed around the area where the cinder blocks were being removed; the injured construction worker was verbally warned to vacate the taped off work area; and that the operator of the forklift attached to the pallet of cinder blocks lying on the floor of the work area above sounded the horn on the forklift to warn the construction worker who was injured. The injured worker’s complaint that the forklift operator lacked proper training was not the cause of the accident.
Results: Case resolved in a favorable manner.
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